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Thursday, July 28, 2011

To help out business owners, Terri Levine has put together a series of 9 special guerilla marketing email lessons, that are chock fill of usable content that can be deployed immediately.

Having Fun With Your Intuition: The Ripped Sheet Technigue

The Ripped Sheet Technique - Have Fun, Get Out of Routine. Excellent Short Video:
Radio Interview with LISA MANYON: the Expert Marketing Consultant and Copywriting Strategist, Interviewed by Deborah Dachinger on Dare to Dream Radio. Lisa powerfully communicates her clients marketing message for big results. Hear Podcast Now:

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, July 25, 2011

@trissatismal will share how 2 Get that book from your head (or ur flash drive) 2d bookstores & into the bestsellers
Write a Book? Go to the BEST 1st. My friends - and I recommend them HIGHLY. Author Summer School! Learn how to write, self-publish, get into a contract with an agent/traditional publisher, write a bestseller, get your book into bookstores, sell millions of books and more! Get details, claim your full scholarship and enroll FREE at It would be fun to be your classmate!

The Fun, Intuitive Process

For now, put aside your Bucket List (the list of things you want to accomplish and experience before you kick the bucket!)and let’s focus on a way to put passion and fun back in your life – right now. Through this process you’ll create a life that’s bigger than work, doing chores, getting bills paid and any mundane way of life you have fallen into in a routine way.  

I’m often asked by callers and listeners how they can connect with their intuition. Your intuition is always there, it’s there right now. Like Glinda The Good Witch in The Wizard of Oz said “Home is a place we all must find, child. It's not just a place where you eat or sleep. Home is knowing. Knowing your mind, knowing your heart, knowing your courage. If we know ourselves, we're always home, anywhere.”

Intuition is listening to the whisperings or sentences of truth from Spirit. The more you connect the more ease your life has.

A playful way to begin to incorporate your intuition into your everyday life is to make a creation list. Take a piece of paper and cut it into many pieces so you can write a sentence or two on each small piece of paper. On each piece write the following:

1.    Random things you want to do.
2.    Places you want to go.
3.    People you want to see.
4.    Things you always say you’ll do when you have time.
5.    Any experiences you’ve always wanted to have.

Remember as you write this is your “Why am I still not doing these things?” list. Since it’s not a Life Bucket List keep it simple: local, low cost and easy.
Once you’re done writing choose a place to store your pieces of paper…a bowl, a jar, a box. Fold each paper and place them all into your Intuitive Process Box or jar.

Decide how often you and your intuition will do this process; you can choose to do this on the weekends or once a week, or every day. On the dedicated day, open the jar or process box, ask your intuition to guide you in to choose a piece of paper for you – to pick out the perfect paper for you in that moment, that day. Open the folded piece of paper and read it. What does it say?

Ø Take a guitar lesson
Ø Send someone you love flowers just because
Ø Take a painting class
Ø Go to a part of town you’ve always wanted to explore
Ø Join a local museum and spend the day there
Ø Rollerblade on the beach
Ø Visit your relative who you like and haven’t made time for
(Of course your list will be different and all yours.)

Every time you commit to pulling out a piece of paper, you also commit to doing or experiencing that thing that day. Trust that your intuition knew exactly the right thing for you to do – and go do it and have fun. Keep taking out pieces of paper, guided by your intuition and through the pieces of paper experienced every one of the magical miracles on that paper.  Trust your inner guidance and enjoy getting out of your daily routine.

Life can be an adventure – if you choose the make it so. And through this process you’ll start to build, explore, and trust your intuition.

Oprah Winfrey wrote: “I’ve trusted the still, small voice of intuition my entire life.  The more we tune in to our intuition, the better off we are.  I believe it’s how God speaks to us. I listen to proposals, ideas and advice.  Then I go with my gut, what my heart feels most strongly.  When you don’t know what to do, do nothing. Get quiet so you can hear the still, small voice – your inner GPS guiding you to true North.”

And if you want to really kick things into high gear, for anything that comes up for you – any thought and any feeling you have - ask yourself “Who does this belong to?”  A very freeing exercise, taught by Access Consciousness and very effective, asking “Who does thins belong to?” will cause you to realize how much you pick up every moment, every day that does not belong to you , like a virtual satellite dish. It shows you how much you’ve accumulated over the years that isn’t yours as well. Once you realize it feels heavy and the thought or feeling does not belong to you, you can choose to let it go and put a better feeling and thought in its place that IS yours.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Want to Learn Ways to Have A Healthy, Wealthy and Courageous Life? Watch this inspiring video to know more:
Ever wonder how the Successful make it there? This incredible story tells how Andrew Carnegie became one of the richest people who ever lived! Get the "behind-the-scenes" look of how he did it and you can too
Are your fears of money holding you back? Learn how to identify these blocks and how to shift them once and for all! Free call by @JenLongmore on 8/2 7pm EST

A Few Ways to Have A Healthy, Wealthy and Courageous Life

Thursday, July 21, 2011

DaKARA KIES: Master Healer, Coach and Healing Consultant :: YouPublish

Energy healer who did "live" readings during the radio show. DaKara Kies is a Spiritual Coach and Healing Consultant, who uses many forms of healing modalities, as an energy healer, a Feng Shui Practitioner

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Few Ways to Have A Healthy and Courageous Day

Deepak Chopra said:
"The possibility of stepping into a higher plane is quite real for everyone. It requires no force or effort or sacrifice. It involves little more than changing our ideas about what is normal." 

1)  Give Yourself One Small Thing Today
You decide what feels good – it has to feel really good and then give yourself that. Give yourself a compliment, flowers, a relaxed hour for a soothing bath or to read a book, play at your hobby, get a manicure. Whatever it is bless yourself with this gift that feels abundant and delicious.  You deserve it.

2)  Give One Small Thing Today To Someone Else
Give someone else a hug, a kind word, a compliment, a phone call, a prayer, a gift, be of service, some gratitude.  Let someone know that they matter and you’re glad they’re here.

3)  Listen to Your Intuition
You inner GPS (God Protection System) is at work tapping you on the shoulder with messages.  All you need to do is observe, be aware and listen.  Practice following small intuitive urges and see where they lead you. As they work out -better than you imagined (and they will)- then step up your game and let your intuition start to play a bigger game in your life and see what magic that GPS connection creates.  Enjoy the adventure!

4)  Allow Yourself To Do Something That Scares You
Remember fear is the monster in the closet. We’ve become convinced that something awful will happen if we put ourselves out there.  Consider this: What if you allowed yourself to experience your fear and did “it” anyway?  Really, what will happen? Can they cook you and eat you?  Will you die?  I know you’re convinced that if you do anything other than what your comfort level dictates you imagine you won’t survive, but really?  So…..Do it anyway and see how exhilarated you feel afterwards. Your worst nightmare won’t come true, because it’s fabricated to hold you back.  Face the monster in the closet and do something that scares you.

5)  Be Present, Breathe And Be Here Now
Where else is there to be? Is your head in the past? The future? Choose to look at the environment you’re in right now, appreciate what you see – see what you see and know that right now is all you have.  Be here now, with all the insecurity that life contains and the uncertainty that life is.  In fact -- embrace insecurity and uncertainty because that’s how life is.  Enjoy the perfection of now and the not-knowingness and the complete letting go of anything else – except right here and right now.

Osho wrote:
“The only difference is, the coward listens to his fear and follows them, and the courageous person puts them aside and goes ahead. The courageous person goes into the unknown in spite of all the fears.”

“The word courage comes from a Latin root cor, which means heart. To be courageous means to live with heart.

“At every moment the future is becoming the present, and the present is becoming the past.”

Take your entire life down to no effort. No struggle, no trying, no effort. Take it to pure simplicity. Easy. Effortless. Let it happen let it flow.  Let it be.  Be still and know.

Spend this day by doing a kindness for yourself, do one for someone else, listen to your intuition, allow yourself to move through a fear that’s been holding you back, be present and breathe, and remember this can all go away tomorrow so stop struggling and appreciate it all just as it is – right here, right now.  Enjoy your imperfect perfection and smile at how beautiful your world really is.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Deborah Dachinger Interviews the national business growth and mentoring expert, TERRI LEVINE, on Dare to Dream Radio. Terri is a bestselling author with 10 books in print, who’s been featured on ABC, NBC, CNBC, and MSNBC and in more than 1,500 publications. Hear Podcast Now:

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The President talks about "Dare to Dream" Radio with Deborah Dachinger!

The President talks about "Dare to Dream" Radio with Deborah Dachinger! Buck and Obama Have Dinner and Discuss "Dare to Dr by debontheradio

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FLEXIBILITY in Life -- A Great Quality to Use to Better Our Lives

My Interview w/ the whimsical, wise SRI GAWN TU FAHR, author of “Love’s True Home” who discovered he really hasn’t gone nearly far enough. Listen:

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

FLEXIBILITY in Life – A Great Quality to Use to Better Our Lives

The Menninger Institute of Kansas City conducted a study to understand what the most important qualities for success and happiness were. After researching, they concluded that the single, most important quality one can develop for success and happiness is – FLEXIBILITY.
Not being flexible means being rigid, automatic, predictable, and unwilling. To be inflexible means to not adapt.

Flexibility is like the difference between bamboo or an oak tree during a storm. An oak tree will not bend therefore often a tree will become torn apart, uprooted and can cause much destruction in the process.  Bamboo, on the other hand moves, it gives, it is flexible, so as the storm blows it moves with the storm and when the storm has passed the bamboo remains upright and undisturbed.

Today, more than ever before we live in a time where life and change have sped up at a faster rate increasing, year by year. And at the rate that change is occurring it forces us to scrap our best plans because of a new and unexpected development. If we remain flexible in our thinking and courses of action we can navigate the starting, stopping and unpredictability of life.  Change can cause a lot of stress for people who are fixed and rigid in their opinion of how things “should be.”

To move into a more compliant, conciliatory experience in your life, ask yourself the following questions to stay flexible:
1.    Does this work?
2.    Is it achieving the end result desired?
3.    Is this the best course of action? (Decide the best course of action by the results effectiveness in accomplishing and achieving the goal you’ve set.)
4.    Knowing what I now know today, is there anything I’m doing if I had to do over I wouldn’t get into again? (Whenever you experience stress, resistance, or lack of success ask this question. And if you tell yourself you wouldn’t get into that particular thing again then make plans to get out of it quickly so you can channel your resources and energies onto a better path for better results.)

Remaining flexible means to be open, alert to new ideas, information, and knowledge that can help you in your life, business, and  achievement of your goals.

Being honest with yourself and others can save as much as 80% of our time. To readily tell someone “I made a mistake,” or “I was wrong,” keeps us flexible and on the course of a achieving our goals. Once we admit we’ve taken the wrong course we can flow into a better, more correct course for us.  Can you imagine (and I hope you can!) our political landscape where a national politician admits their mistake and blunder?  We all watch as choose not to take responsibility, to not admit their mistakes – it takes an enormous amount of time, effort and energy for everyone involved that we go through as they try desperately to cover up. The truth is always the best and easiest path to take.  Therefore, it’s also okay to tell someone “I’ve changed my mind.” You may review a previous decision and see it’s not working for you - it’s okay to be real, be courageous and flexible enough to change where you’re headed mid-stream. Be open to reevaluating your goals and objectives and how you’re choosing to get there. Recognize and embrace change as it enters your life.

Napoleon Hill said that “within every setback or obstacle there lies the seed of an equal or greater opportunity.”  You may achieve your best success doing things differently than how you’d initially planned to execute them.

In addition, stay alert for synchronistic events that come your way. We get a lot of information easily and flexibly from the universe and from our higher selves. We all do. Some of us listen and act on it a little quicker. It’s a great assist in navigating life.  I recently had a fun synchronistic experience while on vacation. I’d just done a radio show opening telling the listeners about a particular author who had an inspiring story of writing and rewriting a book - it took 61 agents looking at the book until one agent 5-1/2 years after the book was written to finally take it. There I was, one week later, on vacation and while we were at the pool we befriended another couple. The woman could not tear herself away from her book. I’m a voracious reader and always looking for my next book to read. She told me you have to get the book, that it was terrific, and said it’s called “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett. Well, Kathryn Stockett and “The Help” are the author and book I’d just talked about on my radio show. The reading woman at the pool shared that the book is now a best seller and about to be made into a movie.  Naturally. It’s so synchronistic that this book would return to me within a week, so it will be my next book to read. And who knows where that might lead to from there?

Robert Collier wrote:
“Make every thought, every fact that comes into your mind pay you a profit. Make it work and produce for you. Think of things not as they are but as they may be, don’t merely dream but create!”