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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Today I Say "Fantastic" to Anything that Comes My Way

Letting Go and Responding to What Happens Knowing it’s “Fantastic!”

I remember years ago being at a gathering where someone got up to tell a story. He had decided that no matter what happened to him – no matter what, his response would be “Fantastic!” And then he’d look for the great reason why things turned out the way they did. He and his wife went on a vacation and checking in to their hotel was told the hotel was over booked and although they’d had a reservation, the hotel could not accommodate the couple. The man turned around and said “fantastic!” The hotel, feeling terrible, recommended another hotel in the city and made arrangements for the couple to go there instead. The couple arrived at the other hotel to find out it was a much more beautiful hotel than the original hotel and at the same price. Fantastic! When the husband checked in someone called his name and it turned out an acquaintance he’d fallen out of touch with and had liked very much was there - they got back in touch. Fantastic. And so his story went. I heard this true story 17 years ago, and it left a lasting impression all these years. Imagine being that let go. Release, relax, let go, let flow. Move with life not against it.

Because resistance to things creates…what? Friction? Resistance creates sabotage. Because by its nature resistance is opposition, obstinacy, and defiance. In making out dreams come true in living the life of our dreams we don’t want opposition we want to invite in the good and the promotions and the wealth and the happiness. We don’t want to defy our reality we want to welcome it as though it’s exactly as it should be. So what if I didn’t resist anything? What if no matter what happened, no matter what I responded (to the core of my being!) with the attitude of “Fantastic!”

Last week I had several interviews back-to-back booked for my radio show. Everything and everyone was prepared. I was about to drive to the radio station when I received a call that there was smoke in the studio and the equipment had been damaged so much that none of the DJs could come in to do their show. I responded (internally of course with :) “Fantastic!” And I meant it. I knew something better was coming my way. I called each guest to cancel and reschedule. One guest said she had her own special 800 number where we could do our interview and create an MP3 recording for that week’s radio show. “Fantastic!” We had a wonderful telephone interview which did indeed run that week on the radio and she was able to promote her upcoming workshops in time. Much later the radio station called me to say they’d replaced all the equipment –and the smoke turned out to be a blessing because they’d upgraded and we now had a better system in place - the studio was had even better boards and equipment than before. “Fantastic!”
My boyfriend was agitated this morning because our street was shut down and he could not get to work until they reopened it. The road was closed because President Obama is in town and every time he comes to Los Angeles he stays at a nearby hotel. We don’t get notice about it ~ they just shut down road access for hours and there’s nothing we can do about it. He needed to get to work so it’s understandable that he was anxious. I told him to breathe and relax. Go with the flow. “Fantastic!” What if in the scheme of things – because he was held back in this way, he missed a car accident that would’ve happened otherwise. Or something else of bad consequence was avoided that he might never know about. Truth is once he breathed, the road opened, and although there still was traffic he made it to work.

We never know why things turn out like they do. But we do have a choice. We can decide that no matter what happens it is the perfect scenario for us. We can decide that everything and everyone that happens to us is “Fantastic,” and really believe it to be so. Then we experience everything from a relaxed, positive place. Then we’re open to what’s wonderful about what’s occurring.

There’s no resistance, no pre-determined outcomes. Just being in the moment, knowing that all, right now, is truly “Fantastic!”

From Michael Bernard Beckwith’s book “Spiritual Liberation”

“Today I consciously turn the key to the treasure house of my inner being. I attune myself to my true nature. Any agreements I have made in the past with mediocrity, any excuses I have used to postpone fully expressing my essential self are now broken. I confidently step into a larger dimension of myself. When I ask the Spirit within, “what is my highest purpose?” I hear its answer in language my heart can understand and respond to. I take action on the intuitive guidance I receive and am faithful to it. I declare my willingness, my receptivity, and my enthusiasm. This statement of truth breaks through any seeming obstruction, every stubborn attempt to cover my creativity by remaining small. Clarity, confidence and commitment go before me.

“Creativity freely flows through me as an expression of my talents, gifts, and skills. With the realization that everything is energy, I see its glow everywhere I look, manifesting in all that I see. I know this to be the life force within all existence. Just as life holds back nothing from me, I hold back nothing from life. I am so grateful.”

William Whitecloud wrote:

Action is about taking direct steps, based on the obvious, toward creating what you want.

Having a heart means that you do have dreams, that there are things you love, things that are deeply important to you.

Your experience in life is determined by what you put your attention on. If you focus on end results, you inevitably attract what you want."

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