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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Are You Living a Life You Love?


How are the above in your reality? How authentic is your life? Are you living a life that you love and look forward to experiencing each day?

The only change you ever need to make is in realigning yourself with why you’re here. The gifts and talents you've been given in exactly the way you inhabit them make them uniquely you with unique gifts to offer. Realign with your purpose and live an authentic life. You are here to express that and that alone. And only you -- can express you!

In Michael Bernard Beckwith's book "Spiritual Liberation," he writes:

"Ground yourself in the intention to be radically alive. I like the words of Dr. Howard Thurman: "Don’t worry about what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." That means that, as long as you are on the planet, you are here to deliver your gifts, your talents, and your skills with confidence and inner authority, withholding nothing. This is when you are living full out, moving in the reality of love, affluence and artistry of being. Your radical aliveness not only affects your individual life but life on the planet as we know it."

To transform your life into one you adore be sure its chock full of people, situations, work and things that you love. Life is short. Be on the path that says “I'm here and this is what I have to offer.” Be of service to others. Be kind. Be willing to show up in your own life in a big way.

M.B. Beckwith writes:
"The spirit of the living God is knocking at the door of your heart, reminding you that you are an exquisite, precious, and powerful being. Shine! Sing! Be bold enough to articulate what you are sensing, feeling, and knowing. Now is the time for you to partner with that immense power. Allow the tidal wave of the divine inspiration to wash over you and express in, through, and as you. Consciously and confidently enter the scared process of co-creation, because That which expresses as you does not happen through anyone else in quite the same way. Become a master of your own divine, radiant creative expression.
"AFFIRMATION: Right here and right now, I call forth and activate the evolutionary impulse of my inner being. With absolute trust, I surrender to where the Spirit leads me and experience the peace which surpasseth all understanding."

What's great about your life today? What's unique and wonderful about the gifts you came into this life with?

Focus, Focus, Focus! And then Relax....

Do you ever have the feeling that you're missing something? For instance, you're sitting on the sofa relaxing and then a panic arises that you should be out doing something, getting something accomplished, as though life is passing you by and you'd better jump on the boat and row? Yes indeed I feel that occasionally.

I'm learning to talk about those moments, out loud now, to assist the moment in passing me by, rather than succumbing to the panic. I have strong urges to accomplish things. I have many tasks I undertake on a daily basis. Sometimes I feel like I'm putting out various fires. I deal with one thing when another arises and I deal with that when another attention-grabber arises. And it creates a feeling of anxiety and a complete lack of focus. I experience this when I move into my day willy-nilly, no plan at all ~ just my octopus paws extended out ready to try to manage whatever comes my way... starting one thing, and in the middle suddenly focusing on the next thing (without finishing the first) when a third item nabs my attention (without completing #1 or #2). What fun! Couple that with multiple social and professional media sites -- ad infinitum. Without a plan I'm an anxious, unproductive octopus.

I recognize that the way to combat that is to have a plan. Mea culpa. An idea of what to focus on...a list (on paper is best) with bullet point references of what I want to handle and in what order. When I do that I stick with the plan and have a very good feeling inside during and after. I also go through my to-do's in a relaxed manner since there's a sense of order and importance about it. Also on the list must go - time to unwind, and it's okay to do so! And then allow the down time to happen.

I know all the sayings about human "doing" instead of human "being" and actually I've gotten much better at this. Still at times, it's trying. So to work around my periodic inclination to leap off the coach and turn into the whirling dervish of doing more, I say out loud exactly what I'm feeling. Once I've admitted vocally the emptiness that seems to be beneath the urge to surge, it seems to dissipate, just like that. I can breathe and relax into the moment that I relish and deserve.

Now since being a fireman is not my calling in this life, I am mindful to stop making my days about putting out fires around me -- instead I create my day. I decide how I want it to look and feel. I set an intention for the day and for each day’s segment. I write down (on 1 sheet of paper!) what I'd like to take care of. And off I go to wonderful results.

I do my best during the day and let it go at night. A day intention and a night intention and many more good intentions in-between. Being real and authentic amidst my moments sets my 24 hours for a swimmingly good experience!

Just my five cents of sense!

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