ROB GAUTHIER: ET Channel Shares New Information for Humanity to Help right now! WATCH:
1) The YahYel - who is their new hybrid race?
2) Who are the Elohim are how are we galactically connected?
3) Ardif (channeled through Rob) explains our multi-dimensionality
4) which Gemstones we can use now to significantly help
Join Debbi on Instagram: @daretodreampodcast and @debbidachinger
#podcast #DebbiDachinger #spiritual #metaphysical #alien #paranormal #extraterrestrial #ufo #RobGauthier #TranceChannel #AlienChanneling #Reptilian #Channeling #Pleaidian #Channeler #ETchanneling #ETchanneler #ETwhisperer #arcturian #ascensionsymptoms #spiritualascension #akashicrecords #ancientaliens #lightbody #dnaactivation #AridifAncientPleiadian #pleiadianchanneling #higherself #metatron #spiritguides