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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Great I AM Principle

"I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success."
Nikola Tesla
1856-1943, Inventor of Alternating Current

Neville Goddard, the great metaphysical thinker and teacher from the early 1900’s was convinced that scripture taught the idea that man had to think from the end. He called it the state of “I AM.” He said that all of Scripture was a blueprint for man’s development, since all the stories in the Bible were mythical and parables demonstrating the power of thought.  He spoke of the “universal law of reversibility.” The Law of Reversibility enables each of us to foresee transformation.  That means is you know how you will feel once you achieve your objective then inversely you know what state you can realize were you to awaken such a feeling in yourself.

We are the product of our thoughts. God says “I am” and provides His qualification – “that I am”. We say “I am”, and qualify it otherwise by saying “sad”, “happy”, “content”, “sick” – how long a list shall we make? And coming to believe those thoughts, we become sad, happy, content, sick, etc. For the spiritual being, no qualification is necessary - “I am” - and if qualification is necessary - “that I am”. If we practice being spiritual, we will learn that qualification is, in the end, not needed, and if needed, should identify itself as Godlike. We will thus become what we practice. Till that day, we use qualifications as an aid to understanding and as a means of practical application. “I am” “spiritual.”
It is said that looking for God is like looking for your own eyes. You find it when you stop looking. You are that. You are already that.

YHWH is the name of God in the Hebrew language.  In the Old Testament, God revealed His name to the prophet Moses, and interpreted its meaning as "I Am That I AM".  He also referred to Himself by name, as “I AM".

The name YHWH  (also known as Jehovah, Yehovah, Jah, and Yahweh) has been called the Lost Word, the Tetragrammaton (the term tetragrammaton is from Greek, meaning "[a word] having four letters") refers to the name of the God of Israel YHWH, and in the Old Testament, has been replaced with the words LORD and GOD, in large and small capital letters.  In the Gospel of Truth, a non-official scripture found in Nag Hamadi in 1945, YHWH is said to be the original word, as since God is uncreated and eternal, so His name must be also.  After nearly two thousand years, the Catholic Church has printed the New Jerusalem Bible which uses the name Yaweh for God.

In The I AM Principle, the depth of the meaning and the resulting effect this has on mankind is explored, as the Creator and the created have a mysterious bond which is united in the Holy name of God.  As "I AM That I Am", describes each one of us as unique and unforgotten, it also establishes the link for us with our immortal spirit and with the spirit of our Creator, allowing us to experience the Glory and power that we were created to possess.

Every conflict resolves itself as the world simply mirrors the being we are being.  Our imagination literally is the God-seed. Neville tool Psalm 82:6, “Ye are gods,” as the literal truth of man’s condition. Neville said: “The Lord of hosts will not respond to your wish until you have assumed the feeling of already being what you want to be, for acceptance is the channel of His action.”

I have been enrolled in a Mystery School for many years now, slowly making my way through the weekly lessons. One of our programs was about TAROT, and learning each of the cards and its spiritual meaning.  I was profoundly moved and surprised to learn that the final card in the Tarot deck is connected to the I AM principle.  The last Tarot card, called THE WORLD, suggest world consciousness, and being in tune with the universe. And in this consciousness the whole universe is realized as the body of the I AM.  The face of the bull on the card is turned away from the lion and from the center of the design to indicate that the forces pictured by the World move toward concrete manifestation.

There is a wreath depicted on the card, representing the Great Name as the fundamental principle of form for the entire cosmos in representation or manifestation. Although a wreath is a work of man, nature provides the leaves, man weaves them into a chaplet for a victor, and this wreath is a symbol for human adaptation of the forces of nature. The wreath also symbolizes man’s power to give form to energy. And finally the outline of the wreath is a zero sign, meaning the ellipse of manifestation is No-Thing. The world of a master of life is a wreath of victory.

The truth is the central reality at the core of human personality. Therefore the Name of God, declared by Moses was I AM. For the same reason, Hindu philosophers term this reality the Supreme SELF.
Walt Whitman also emphasized this when he talked about the cosmic consciousness as follows: “Intuition of the absolute balance, in time and space, of the whole of this multifariousness, this revel of fools and incredible make-believe and general unsettledness we call the world; a soul sight of the divine clue and unseen thread which holds the whole congeries of things, all history and time, and all events, however trivial, however momentous, like a leashed dog in the hand of a hunter.”

•    I AM is the Creator of the Universe...
•    I AM is the beginning of life.
•    I AM permeates all creation.
•    I AM is the power and presence of God.

When Our SELF is known, it is known as the Master of the Show of Illusion named “The World.”  The name of this Master in Hebrew is Eheyeh, or I AM, and this is the Supreme Divine Name attributed to Kether, the Crown of Primal Will.

What I want to leave you with the most is the realization that states of consciousness are states of power. The goal of the Great Work is identification with the Central Reality of the universe, and such knowledge is really the zenith of practical power. It makes me wonder, what brilliant cartoonist decades ago, wrote the character of POPEYE to be known to say "I am what I am."

"We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort."
Jesse Owens
1913-1980, Olympic Gold Medalist