WELCOME to the award-winning DARE TO DREAM Podcast!
Your #1 transformation conversation.
For 16 years Debbi hosts the "Dare to Dream" podcast, offering cutting-edge conversation on metaphysics, quantum creating, channeling, healing, UFO's, paranormal and extraterrestrials.
* Debbi is a Book Writing coach, showing you how to pen & publish a book. Her company launches your book to guaranteed international bestseller.
WENDY KENNEDY: Channeling Phenomenal Uploads from The 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective
Highlights: 1) Using photonic energy 2) About genetic material and DNA donated to humanity & the earth 3) Creatures under the sea we don’t know about? 4) How we went from 12 strand to 2 strand DNA
SARAH BRESKMAN COSME: A Hypnotist’s Journey from The Trail to The Star People
WATCH NOW: https://youtu.be/q-PX3Ss6czI
1) Atlantis, Lemuria, and the Indigenous Tribes of America.
2) "They call me Aniwaya", this voice said through Les. "I am the one who contacted you. I’m ready to tell our story."
3) Speaking through hypnosis subjects, from hundreds of years ago, Aniwaya brings to light the secrets of the ancients, and the origins in us all from the stars above.
MARK ANTHONY: 4th-Generation Psychic Medium who Communicates with Spirits
WATCH NOW: https://youtu.be/YN6awpgAORw
1)A story of an amazing (real) historical Egyptian mystery
2)Mark, the Psychic Lawyer & Explorer, appears regularly on TV as a legal analyst, psychic medium and expert on paranormal, after death communication and near-death experiences.
3)New information about Reincarnation and grieving