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Monday, August 9, 2010

Completely Letting Go and Trusting Life to Deliver

Assuming you already know that in order to make a dream (or goal) come true - you need to know what that dream looks like or feels like, and next take action towards making it come true, I am going to address the tough part, which is the Letting Go Journey.  The willingness to lift my eyes from their present point of focus.

If you're like me and you are a go-getter when it comes to making your dream become your reality, maybe you also experience a phenomena I do at times - something like a rabid dog who gets the dream in their teeth and won't let it go? Shaking it, growling, clamping down on the dream because it must look a certain way and the outcome must come at a certain time and the journey means nothing - it's all about the end-result of that dream come true?  Exhausting, right?

Or have you decided that whatever your dream is you will take actions steps, and then let go, take more action steps and then let go?

Letting go is key since our energy can literally also push our dream away. Depending on whether we covet the dream clutching it close to us, or show up to do whatever is necessary and then release it. Releasing it is a gift we give ourselves; releasing the dream invites the Goodness of the Universe to co-create alongside us. We show up by taking action steps and in our releasing the dream, the Universe and our unseen helpers then take that dream and  apply magic to it to help us make that dream come true. The Universe, our Higher Self, and our unseen helpers are all aware of the gifts and talents we've been given this life and why, they want to conspire to help us make those dreams come true so we can do what we were equipped to do in this life. However after we've done all we can do, we need next to get out of the way.
In his book: "Spiritual Liberation" Michael Bernard Beckwith writes:
"Are you ready to unleash your inner Don Quixote to "reach the unreachable star" and "live the impossible dream?"  As you allow such a possibility to take root in your consciousness, your agreements with mediocrity will begin to dissolve and you will enter the evolutionary process of becoming creatively maladjusted.

"And so it is with a full heart that I say thank you.  Thank you Life, thank you pure Spirit for your unconditional love, compassion, and tenderness that is lavished upon me.

"The world sings back to me now. The world reflects back to me now, "Oh, there you are.  I've been looking for you. I've been wanting to express through you, you genius you. I've been waiting for you to wake up, you genius.  You are my beloved in whom I am well pleased.  I get to express through you."

So it's no accident that each of us has the gifts and talents we do in exactly the way we do. That we look how we do, act how we do, think and feel how we do. It's perfect. We're Divinely inspired in order for us to put forth why we're here. So do take action steps - it's the only way to get ahead and then -- release the reigns and turn it over. Surrender your dream and goal to the Power that is waiting to express through you and as you. Let go to the Universe that believes in your greatness and the scared song that you've been put here to sing.

- Debbi Dachinger
"Dare to Dream" radio and television interviews

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