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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

CHOICE - You Have Choice in Your Life and In Your Dreams and Goals


From the dictionary:
CHOICE: consists of the mental process of judging the merits of multiple options and selecting one of them. Often a choice is made between options, and followed by the corresponding action. 

Can You Follow Road Signs?
If so then you can choose a Dream/a Goal and follow the Signs (action steps) to get there.  

And what happens if you need to go somewhere and there are no directions and no road signs?

How long will it take you to find a building in a new city without a road map and without road signs? You probably will never find it, or it will take a very long time and if you ever did find the building, it will be a matter of luck.

To achieve a dream– first you must chose the dream and then to make it a reality in your life, decide upon action steps – these are your roadmap with directions to get you to your destination.

-Swami Prem-oh-da-ya (Premodaya) said:  “We are actors in a play who have forgotten they are in a play.”  

You have determined your entire life up to now by the choices and decisions you have made, or failed to make. If there is anything in your life that you don’t like, you are responsible. If there is anything that you’re unhappy about, it’s up to you to take the necessary steps to change and improve it so that it’s more to your liking.

As the President of your career and your own life, as the architect of your destiny, you’re free to make your own decisions. You are the boss. You are in charge.

In the Bible it says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

Imagine that you have all the time, talents and abilities you require to achieve any goal you set for yourself.  Imagine you have all the friends, contacts and relationships you need to open every door and achieve anything you really want.

Imagine that you have no limitations whatsoever on what you can be, have or do.

Nirmala said “It turns out that the source of everything is also who you are. Since the source of everything doesn't come and go, it must be here right now, in this very moment.”

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