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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Heading Towards the End of the Year ~ Where are Your Dreams and Goals Right Now? Have You Started or Completed the Goals You’re Dreaming of?

Ellen Kreidman said “The stewing is worse than the doing.”
Stop stewing over any dreams and goals you have not yet manifested in your life.  Why? Because today is the day, this is the moment. Start now. This is the moment that counts. Let go of the past, yesterday is gone, let it go.  Look forward and act now!

I was going through my desk to keep what mattered and recycle what was no longer needed - to make room and create space. While cleaning up I found my old Franklin Covey calendar planning materials and I was happily surprised to see that what they taught is what I say on this show. The Covey materials had a triangle and from bottom to top it read:  “DISCOVER, PLAN, ACT.

Discover what matters most to you~
Plan what matters most~
And Act in accordance with what matters most.”

Anatole France wrote: “To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.”

In order to get on track towards your dream you need first to know what the dream is. Quiet time is essential for this discovery.

Answer these questions to align yourself with your dream, goals, and life’s purpose.
1.     If you were to do one thing in your professional life that will have positive impact, what would that one thing be?
2.    If you were to do one thing in your personal life that will have positive impact, what would that one thing be?
3.    The things you want to have during your lifetime are?
4.    The things you want to do are?
5.    The kind of person you want to be is?

Answer these questions from the viewpoint of envisioning yourself being elder and having lived a fulfilling, rewarding life. What do you want to be remembered for? What would you want in a tribute to you to express about who you are, what your contributions were and how you lived your life?

After discovering What Matters Most, I suggest you write a Mission Statement. Your Mission Statement is a written proclamation of who you are and what you’re about. It will express the contribution you want to make during your lifetime, the things you want to do, and the kind of person you want to be. Your personal mission statement is an affirmation of what matters most to you.

You do have talents and capabilities. You deserve to be happy and fulfilled. You deserve to enjoy your professional life. You deserve to experience worth in your personal life. You have contributions the world is waiting for.

William Jennings Bryan said:  “Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved.”

Now when you think about where you’re at, how far you got with your dreams coming true, start today to discover, plan and act. And remember:
·       You are truly one of a kind.
·       Your life can be what you want it to be.
·       Take today one day at a time.
·       Within you are so many answers.
·       Have courage… forge ahead in spite of any fear or trepidation, because you are very special, there is no one else quite like you. If you’re still breathing then you are still alive to fulfill your mission and there’s a reason why you’re here right now.

~ Muhammad Ali said: "Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them - a desire, a dream, and a vision." 

Dare to dream and dare to make your dreams your reality!

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