You can find the sacred in the most ordinary of things. – Oprah Winfrey
DICTIONARY: mir·a·cle
1. An extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers ascribed to a supernatural cause.
2. An effect or event manifesting or considered as a work of god.
3. A wonder; marvel.
You have had miracles occur in your life - both big and small. Remember them now. Questions: Did anything improbable happen to bring you together with someone? Did any experience dramatically change your life – a chance meeting, accident, adventure, medical crisis? Did help ever arrive improbably just when you needed it? Did any weird-but-true dream occur one night that came true? Did a stranger, song or book ever get your attention and answer an important question?
Your Miraculous Life ~ You can use your own positive, passionate energy to create a new world for yourself if you are willing to look at the miracle within that you already are. Joseph Campbell said: "You are already That." Look for miraculous ways to realize your dreams. If not now, when?
Turn to meditation or inspirational reading or whatever spiritual source material puts your mind and heart on track
The Secrets to Living a Miraculous Life
1. Open up to the infinite possibilities available to you.
2. Accept full and complete responsibility for everything in your life.
a. What don’t you want to deal with? And what do you need to take responsibility for? (Suggestion: Deal with it, take responsibility for it – it will open up the energies and the channels in your life in a huge way. Dealing with and taking responsibility for things we need to may be scary however being brave in facing that which we fear and resist will create big benefits for us and everyone around us, it’s worth it, trust me. Or just find out for yourself and thank me later!)
3. Make yourself a priority in your life.
4. Be willing to make changes.
5. Believe in the abundance of the Universe.
What miracle has happened to you today?___________________
~ There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. ~ 

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