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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Who Are your Heros and Sheroes? Are you Talking and Walking Your Vision of Your Life?

Who has been a hero in your life? And who has been a sheroe?
My Grandfather is one of my heroes. Although he hasn’t been alive for some years now his presence in my life was, I believe life-saving. First, I was born into a broken family that was chaotic at best, because the one parent running the household was having issues living life herself. However my mom’s parents were completely there for us. Really present and a big part of our lives. My Grandmother was a Sheroe because she was such a nurturing affectionate force. I love the way she dressed and out herself together and she had tons of energy and was often the silent force behind a lot of things, including my Grandfather. Grandpa was my hero because he gave me things a kid really wants – like laughter, he was a real character and funny as heck. He made me feel hear. When I (or other people to be honest, came into the room he made us deal important and he’d ask us lots of questions about ourselves, people left my Grandpa feeling good, heard, listened to and connected. He also loved to be in front of people teaching, sharing and he was in his time ground breaking in new psychological technologies. He did what he loved to do for a living, he was passionate about his musical career, became a who’s who in international musical and quite renowned, and his passion shone. He was a success, and always thinking and creating.

Walt Whitman said:

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because the world needs is people who have come alive.”

There’s an old story about a dog sitting on its owner’s porch, whimpering, moaning, and groaning. All day the dog would whimper and yowl. Finally a person walking by asked the owner what was wrong with the dog.

“He is sitting on a nail,” the owner said.

“And why doesn’t he get up?” asked the passerby.

“It doesn’t hurt badly enough,” the owner responded.

What’s the dream or goal you want to accomplish that you think of fantasize about yearn for and have not gotten up to do. What goal are you making excuses for because you’re sure you don’t have what it takes or sure it won’t work out anyway? Are you sitting on a nail? Does it hurt badly enough yet for you to get up and act on it?

Success is an intentional response to life. In order to achieve it you have to get up and do something. You have to take a first step. Living intentionally means getting out of your comfort zone. In essence, it’s getting up off that nail.

If you want to learn to swim you have to get into the pool. You can read about swimming, watch others swim and even study the art and science of swimming. But at some point, you have to just dive in. Just start. Do it. Get wet. Gain experience and get better.

Expand your comfort zone by facing your fears. Create new opportunities and be willing to take more risks. This is success.

Just be yourself. Success and happiness are different for every person… what works for one person may not work for you. So be sincere and genuine. Don’t imitate others. Bring your personality to each experience.

Success is having some place to go, a vision, a desired future state. Happiness is the journey to get there. In order to realize success, you must get off the nail. Don’t complain. Just start wherever you are. It’s very important to get moving and take the first step. Confront your fears and realize the benefits of doing so are happiness. Expand your comfort zone. And be yourself!

Once you step into your place in the world and do what you came here to do, become who you’re meant to be, and release the illusions you tell yourself are holding you back – you will then be a hero to someone else. You may never know you were a Sheroe or maybe they’ll take the time to tell you, but out there somewhere there are lives you will impact just by being yourself, taking opportunities, and moving forward.

Get off the nail. Doesn’t it hurt enough already? Get off the nail in your life and go be a person who is alive.

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