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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Intentions Create Reality. Hang In There Until The Miracle Happens!
An excerpt from the book Telos, Volume 1, by Aurelia Louise Jones:
“You know that intentions create reality. When enough people desire change, and formulate their firm intentions to create a reality for themselves and for humanity, it will simply happen.  It is important at this time that each one of you becomes an ambassador of love, peace and harmony for yourself, for humanity and for the planet. It is important that you start sharing, as much as you can with others around you, the information that you feel is making a difference in your life.”

“You all need to shine your love, your light, and you knowledge to all of those on your pathway.  The more your shine and radiate your new understanding, the more it will expand within you and on the planet. This is how evolution moves on.”

“What Does It Means To Raise Or Expand One’s Consciousness?”
“It means to start becoming more conscious at all levels and in all aspects of your life. No more living on automatic pilot and no more giving your powers away to others. This means opening up step-by-step to your divinity, to the wondrous spiritual being that you are, in the midst of living your chosen human experience, chosen before your incarnation for the lessons you desired to learn in their present life.

“It means to stop the madness in your life, at least for some period of time each day, in meditation or contemplation for the purpose of exploring the “REAL SELF.”  Start opening yourself to all possibilities.”

What Happen When One Raises Their  Consciousness?
“Decide what it is that you want for your life and how you would like to see your life unfold.  What are your dreams?  What would you like to see manifest or become during your present incarnation? What are your goals?  Do you realize that you can have it all when you raise your consciousness above your limited perceptions?  Open your hearts and minds to perceive and receive the perfection and limitlessness that are intended as a way of life on this planet.”

“When you really want to manifest, you must first unite with consciously and with great love.  At this pivotal time of Earth’s transition, we request that in your life, you seriously reconsider your true values and priorities.  Be sure that what you consider to be your priorities and important values are fulfilling the intentions and goals you had set up for yourself prior to your present incarnation.”

“What you do on the Earth plane, beloved ones, all your projects and activities are always temporary and simply part of the passage of time.  But whatever you become, by the embracing of your divine nature, remains with you for eternity.
This is real story about an attractive woman named Kathryn Stockett who is the author of the best seller “The Help.”  This is a real story about someone who never gave up.  It took her a year and a half to write her book. Every time her friends and family saw Kathryn they’d ask how the book was going?  Kathryn sent it to many agents and got her first and then 15 rejection letters. One rejection letter said “the story did not hold my interest.”   Another awful letter from an agent said “There is no market for this kind of writing.”

Once she spent a weekend in pajamas eating, feeling sorry for herself and in a depressed state. But Kathryn had the quality of stubbornness.  She had great resolve even in the face of constant rejection.  She also was becoming embarrassed of all those who asked about her book.

Soon she was on rejection letter #45 and getting neurotic. But she continued to rewrite the book, often going away to a hotel room for periods of time to work.  

In the end, she received 60 rejection letters for the book “The Help”.  Agent letter number 61 was the one that accepted her.  After 5 years of writing and 31/2 years of rejections, an agent took the book and it was sold.  Kathryn’s advice?  “Don’t give in to the shame of being rejected.  Put your manuscript, your painting, your song, your voice, your dance moves – insert your passion here- and have fun chasing and creating your dream.”

They Never Quit Statistics:
8 rejections from restaurants in France is what CAT CORA received after graduated from an elite culinary school in France, where she endured verbal abuse from male instructors. She even worked for free at a 3 star Michelin restaurant just to gain experience. CAT CORA went on to win Bon Appetite’s Cooking Teacher Award, has authored 3 cookbooks, and Cora became the Food Networks 1st and only female Iron Chef.

KARA GOLDIN received 50 rejections from beverage industry experts over a product she invented (an unsweetened) calorie water drink – and all rejecters told her she’d never sell it, and that she would end up as “road kill,” and other awful insults.  Goldin launched her company anyway, and after 3 years of relentless pitching: her drink is now sold in Starbucks, Wholefoods and other high-end markets. 

Deborah Manchester Ph.D. waited 11 years to transition out of an audiologist career to become a creative producer. She pitched an idea for a TV show and it was turned down at all major networks. Finally she landed a deal at PBS. After 11 years Deborah’s animated TV series called “The Zula Patrol” now reaches 300 million households worldwide.

Mary Manin Morrissey said:  "Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today?"

Achieved your goal? Tune in to Deborah Dachinger’s inspirational “Dare to Dream” radio show: a multi-award winning program, that enlightens and entertains in an exciting talk show. Listen Worldwide, “Dare to Dream” radio: 1) on 92.5 KYHY ( or 2) podcast on And visit the amazing product page on Dachinger's web site. Dare to make your Dreams a reality!
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