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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Few Ways to Have A Healthy and Courageous Day

Deepak Chopra said:
"The possibility of stepping into a higher plane is quite real for everyone. It requires no force or effort or sacrifice. It involves little more than changing our ideas about what is normal." 

1)  Give Yourself One Small Thing Today
You decide what feels good – it has to feel really good and then give yourself that. Give yourself a compliment, flowers, a relaxed hour for a soothing bath or to read a book, play at your hobby, get a manicure. Whatever it is bless yourself with this gift that feels abundant and delicious.  You deserve it.

2)  Give One Small Thing Today To Someone Else
Give someone else a hug, a kind word, a compliment, a phone call, a prayer, a gift, be of service, some gratitude.  Let someone know that they matter and you’re glad they’re here.

3)  Listen to Your Intuition
You inner GPS (God Protection System) is at work tapping you on the shoulder with messages.  All you need to do is observe, be aware and listen.  Practice following small intuitive urges and see where they lead you. As they work out -better than you imagined (and they will)- then step up your game and let your intuition start to play a bigger game in your life and see what magic that GPS connection creates.  Enjoy the adventure!

4)  Allow Yourself To Do Something That Scares You
Remember fear is the monster in the closet. We’ve become convinced that something awful will happen if we put ourselves out there.  Consider this: What if you allowed yourself to experience your fear and did “it” anyway?  Really, what will happen? Can they cook you and eat you?  Will you die?  I know you’re convinced that if you do anything other than what your comfort level dictates you imagine you won’t survive, but really?  So…..Do it anyway and see how exhilarated you feel afterwards. Your worst nightmare won’t come true, because it’s fabricated to hold you back.  Face the monster in the closet and do something that scares you.

5)  Be Present, Breathe And Be Here Now
Where else is there to be? Is your head in the past? The future? Choose to look at the environment you’re in right now, appreciate what you see – see what you see and know that right now is all you have.  Be here now, with all the insecurity that life contains and the uncertainty that life is.  In fact -- embrace insecurity and uncertainty because that’s how life is.  Enjoy the perfection of now and the not-knowingness and the complete letting go of anything else – except right here and right now.

Osho wrote:
“The only difference is, the coward listens to his fear and follows them, and the courageous person puts them aside and goes ahead. The courageous person goes into the unknown in spite of all the fears.”

“The word courage comes from a Latin root cor, which means heart. To be courageous means to live with heart.

“At every moment the future is becoming the present, and the present is becoming the past.”

Take your entire life down to no effort. No struggle, no trying, no effort. Take it to pure simplicity. Easy. Effortless. Let it happen let it flow.  Let it be.  Be still and know.

Spend this day by doing a kindness for yourself, do one for someone else, listen to your intuition, allow yourself to move through a fear that’s been holding you back, be present and breathe, and remember this can all go away tomorrow so stop struggling and appreciate it all just as it is – right here, right now.  Enjoy your imperfect perfection and smile at how beautiful your world really is.

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