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Monday, July 25, 2011

The Fun, Intuitive Process

For now, put aside your Bucket List (the list of things you want to accomplish and experience before you kick the bucket!)and let’s focus on a way to put passion and fun back in your life – right now. Through this process you’ll create a life that’s bigger than work, doing chores, getting bills paid and any mundane way of life you have fallen into in a routine way.  

I’m often asked by callers and listeners how they can connect with their intuition. Your intuition is always there, it’s there right now. Like Glinda The Good Witch in The Wizard of Oz said “Home is a place we all must find, child. It's not just a place where you eat or sleep. Home is knowing. Knowing your mind, knowing your heart, knowing your courage. If we know ourselves, we're always home, anywhere.”

Intuition is listening to the whisperings or sentences of truth from Spirit. The more you connect the more ease your life has.

A playful way to begin to incorporate your intuition into your everyday life is to make a creation list. Take a piece of paper and cut it into many pieces so you can write a sentence or two on each small piece of paper. On each piece write the following:

1.    Random things you want to do.
2.    Places you want to go.
3.    People you want to see.
4.    Things you always say you’ll do when you have time.
5.    Any experiences you’ve always wanted to have.

Remember as you write this is your “Why am I still not doing these things?” list. Since it’s not a Life Bucket List keep it simple: local, low cost and easy.
Once you’re done writing choose a place to store your pieces of paper…a bowl, a jar, a box. Fold each paper and place them all into your Intuitive Process Box or jar.

Decide how often you and your intuition will do this process; you can choose to do this on the weekends or once a week, or every day. On the dedicated day, open the jar or process box, ask your intuition to guide you in to choose a piece of paper for you – to pick out the perfect paper for you in that moment, that day. Open the folded piece of paper and read it. What does it say?

Ø Take a guitar lesson
Ø Send someone you love flowers just because
Ø Take a painting class
Ø Go to a part of town you’ve always wanted to explore
Ø Join a local museum and spend the day there
Ø Rollerblade on the beach
Ø Visit your relative who you like and haven’t made time for
(Of course your list will be different and all yours.)

Every time you commit to pulling out a piece of paper, you also commit to doing or experiencing that thing that day. Trust that your intuition knew exactly the right thing for you to do – and go do it and have fun. Keep taking out pieces of paper, guided by your intuition and through the pieces of paper experienced every one of the magical miracles on that paper.  Trust your inner guidance and enjoy getting out of your daily routine.

Life can be an adventure – if you choose the make it so. And through this process you’ll start to build, explore, and trust your intuition.

Oprah Winfrey wrote: “I’ve trusted the still, small voice of intuition my entire life.  The more we tune in to our intuition, the better off we are.  I believe it’s how God speaks to us. I listen to proposals, ideas and advice.  Then I go with my gut, what my heart feels most strongly.  When you don’t know what to do, do nothing. Get quiet so you can hear the still, small voice – your inner GPS guiding you to true North.”

And if you want to really kick things into high gear, for anything that comes up for you – any thought and any feeling you have - ask yourself “Who does this belong to?”  A very freeing exercise, taught by Access Consciousness and very effective, asking “Who does thins belong to?” will cause you to realize how much you pick up every moment, every day that does not belong to you , like a virtual satellite dish. It shows you how much you’ve accumulated over the years that isn’t yours as well. Once you realize it feels heavy and the thought or feeling does not belong to you, you can choose to let it go and put a better feeling and thought in its place that IS yours.

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