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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What is Driving Your Success – Is It Inspiration or Programming?

What is Driving Your Success – Is It Inspiration or Programming?
By Debbi Dachinger
Joe Vitale said: “We’re either being driven by inspiration or programming.”

When a dream or idea that excites us comes to us - we start with inspiration then many quickly move to programming. The inspired idea comes up first with a feeling of extreme pleasure and a passion attached to it, and then suddenly negative thoughts pop up -- those are programming (this means the thoughts belong to someone else but we took them on) which puts the ka-bash on our idea.

SUGGESTION: Create a victory wall or board. Put any small or large victory there. I.e., a phone call you made, or a “yes” you received. Focus on your progress. Focus on the yeses.  

1)    DAILY INTENTION: Give to yourself first. On all three levels – give to yourself body, mind and spirit. Meditate. Workout. Listen to inspiration radio and CDs. Fill yourself inside first so you are a full vessel.
2)    GIVE TO SOMEONE ELSE NEXT: Look for how you can give to someone else. Driving ~ let someone go first before you, or at a stop sign give someone the right of way just because. Take a moment to bless someone. Anytime you think: “I gotta get mine.” Stop. Relax. Open up. See how instead you can give in that moment.  Give someone else the right of way. 
3)    LOOK FOR GIFTS:  When you spend time focusing on all the gifts already here and how it makes you feel, do you experience a shift? Peaceful? Are you in gratitude? Look for the miracles and the blessings in your life every day.

Love yourself first. Take good care of yourself.  Take care of others. Love others.

The Speaker and Author, Brian Tracy wrote:  "If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development."

You can choose to feel that life is full of good things and gifts everywhere. And from that space choose to give to yourself, give to others, and appreciate every little thing.

In giving and receiving learn to be good at both. Some people are just very good at giving, but not so much at receiving.  You can learn to receive and be in balance and harmony because we need to be able to do both well. Giving and receiving creates gifts both ways - when you can fully receive compliments and gifts from others you allow them a blessing. Some people have trouble receiving because immediately then think – oh no, now I have to pay that person back.  If you have not received a loan from someone, or if there is not an understanding of a job done therefore a payment received then you have received a gift. Don’t worry about paying someone back who has gifted or complimented you. That’s the universe’s job; the law of reciprocity is always at work. Your job is to be grateful, be appreciative, and receive (be given to and accept). God/Goddess All That Is will give back to a sincere giver 100+ percent in return; your job is to allow the gift.
Reality is big, folks, but your dreams are bigger. Literally.

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