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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Handling Time with Inspired Time Management

Welcome to a new year! Are you too busy? Feeling overwhelmed? Over tasked? Do you have more things to do than there are hours in the day?  If you want to know solutions to manage time then there is a way out and through to the other side. I’ll share some tried and true methods that will halt the feeling of drowning in tasks, and instead will start you creating the day the way you want it to look and feel.

First, take a moment to reflect and write down three things you are doing right now in your life that you hate doing and make your energy feel low. Take a look at those three things. Besides regretfully doing the chore or assignment even when it does not make your world feel lighter, what can you do to stop doing the task or give it to someone else? Give yourself a moment of pause to contemplate how this can show up differently. Can you stop if altogether? Can you delegate it? Can you barter? What is possible? Come up with several solutions and choose the one that feels right and best to implement right away. If, for instance, laundry is on the list, look at taking back your time and energy around doing laundry. There are laundry services. You can farm out your laundry every week and paying for the service will free you up. Or your house cleaning company may be willing to also do your laundry in addition to cleaning your home or apartment for a small addition fee.  You can barter with someone, or you can delegate the responsibility to someone else.

How about people you spend time with who do not add anything to your life? Any kind of rut you’re in that is zapping your energy can be dealt with. Sit down and freely focus on solutions…just let them flow and see what is possible. Once you notice a solution that is viable, start to implement the resolution, which is your way out of overwhelm, and take back your precious time!  The key here is to find the major tasks and/or relationships you engage in that are taking the life from you and are not contributing to your life. You are hereby empowered to reverse that. Try it on just one thing and see what the result is for yourself.
Now write down three things that you LOVE doing. What are they? How much of your day and week is spent doing these three things you love the most? If it is 65 percent and up, then you’re doing great. If it is less than 65 percent then it’s time to factor your biggest pleasure into your routine much more. We are here briefly and time goes by quickly. It’s how we choose to fill the time that matters. Figure out how to bring your passion more into your life. Write and freely focus on possible solutions. What’s possible? See what comes out of you – you’ll know when you find a viable, workable solution because it will feel exciting to you.
For some, poor time management is a result of waffling over choices; there are issues with indecision. Indecisiveness manifests within us when we are focused on what is outside of us.  In other words, when we worry about what our family will think, what our friends would or wouldn’t do, what we perceive is acceptable to society, anything that causes us to focus on outside validation means we have just created separation with ourselves.  It is vital to start – right now- to listen to your heart song inside. If you want to know what is or isn’t right for you listen.  If you breathe, get quiet and connect to your heart and intuition where you can ask questions and receive perfect information that is right for you. Follow your own internal guidance. The more you do it the stronger it will become until that's all you know to do. Stop allowing indecision to sabotage your dreams and your time.  Listen within anytime fear and indecision pops up. Wipe out all the chatter and voices and know what you are meant to do and when.

Healing time management means two things:  meditating and relaxing. Stopping doing so much and finding balance in just being. That is often contrary action and contrary thinking for many of us however it is precisely what we need to do. And truth be known, we know it! We know it because we’re tired and overwhelmed and overburdened. To stop and breathe and do nothing at least one time every day – just for you. 

Another remedy for handling time management is to have a plan. Plan your day or plan to fail. When I see a smorgasbord of to-do’s that has the potential of drowning me, I take five minutes to look over my physical and virtual pile of tasks. I then put everything in order, usually on paper, and do one at a time from the most important down. Often there are days when realistically I know only a super being could do everything that’s in the in-box. I create a successful situation by choosing the top 3 or 4 to-dos and my goal for the day is to ONLY accomplish those 3-4 items. When I complete them then I end my day and feel very successful.  If I finish them and have plenty of time left over I have the option of looking at the 5th most impotent item on my list and handling that.  I create a winning situation by taking contrary action.
It may seem we should take on everything and multitask and not finish until the very last thing is done, however how successful have you ever been at that? Probably never. And if you even did it I know you were wiped out afterwards.  We’re too important. To-do’s will always be there. We’re going for feeling terrific, successful and confident.

Take what you can realistically handle and let the rest go. It’s amazing how much you can actually accomplish this way, and how great you can feel afterwards.  Use these solutions to manage time and start creating the day the way you want it to look and feel.

"When you know that you're capable of dealing with whatever comes, you have the only security the world has to offer."
Harry Browne, Financial Advisor and Writer

Debbi Dachinger is a radio personality – her show, “Dare to Dream,” is a syndicated, multi-award winning program. Dare to Dream Radio enlightens and entertains listeners in an exciting paradigm that intertwines metaphysics with a talk show format, teaching listeners how to make their passions, goals and dreams come true.  Debbi Dachinger’s “Dare to Dream” radio show has been featured in online news sources around the world.  Author of the new bestselling book “Dare to Dream: This Life Counts,” Debbi is often heard as an interview guest on other radio and TV shows; in addition, Debbi is an inspirational keynote speaker and a spokeswoman on panels. Hear “Dare to Dream” radio live on Indie100 FM out of Burbank CA or by on podcast on (also available on iTunes). Each one-hour radio segment gathers a million listeners and includes Deborah’s theme for the day and an interview guest; the show is nationally syndicated as well as streamed worldwide.

Recently, Debbi emceed a “Dialogs of the Heart” live seminar with don Miguel Ruiz, author of “The Four Agreements.”  Debbi’s background is in talent/entertainment; she was a USC performing arts graduate who went on to act and sing in Europe and throughout the United States, receiving acting nominations and awards.  She was a successful motivational speaker, has done professional voice over work and is the 3X bestselling author of: “DARE TO DREAM: This Life Counts,” she’s a regular video contributor at:,  an expert columnist, has a blog, and is a contributor to inspirational books.

Debbi’s web site offers important products that assist people to make their dreams into their reality. Go to: to help move your goals forward. (Such as: POWERFUL RESULTS How To Be The Best Radio Interview Guest, gets rave reviews as a downloadable MP3, also INTERVIEWS WITH THE MASTERS   11-hours of brilliant interviews with Transformational Giants from “Dare to Dream” radio, and DAILY AFFIRMATIONS 4 SUCCESS, by Debbi Dachinger and the aforementioned Dare to Dream book.)

Deborah’s abundant career path has included: • working as a motivational speaker for achieving “Balance and Life Goals;” • professional voice over work (corporate training, animation, PSA’s, film narration); • owning a successful jewelry business called Debbi Darling! Creations; • the lead singer in a big band and various jazz combos and • her current successful radio career using her voice to live out loud and inspire others to Dare to Dream.

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