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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Your Self-Esteem is On The Rise

Your Self-Esteem is On The Rise
“This is what the secret of letting go is all about. First must come the understanding that we are still carrying around the accumulated defeats of a lifetime, and that these weary weights have only served to make us someone sorry, not someone special.”  -         Guy Finley. The Secret of Letting Go

A dream written down with a date becomes a GOAL. A goal broken down into steps becomes a PLAN. A plan backed by ACTION makes your dream come true.

It’s better to invest time doing what pleases you, rather than to waste time trying to please everyone else.

Having potential simply means that you possess talents and abilities you aren’t applying.

***Your self-esteem is your appraisal, your evaluation and your feelings about yourself. Your opinion of the person who you have been living with since you were born: Yourself.

High self-esteem means you feel good, happy, satisfied about yourself. When you think you are capable of achieving anything. Esteem is when you have good energy, when you are focused, confident and persistent to experience success anytime.

Robert H. Schuller said: "High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly, make big decisions quickly, and move into action immediately. Follow these principles and you can make your dreams come true." 

How You Can Improve Self-esteem
1. Celebrate Life. Enjoy the moment. Have fun in whatever situation you are involved in.
2. Be Proactive. Be in charge of initiating things to happen. Be the captain of your life.
3.  Lower Your Anticipation. Do not attempt perfection. Do not make a list of hundreds of things to do to feel satisfied. Let go.
5. Contribute And Participate. Try to give first and do not expect anything in return for your services. Enjoy the art of giving (this creates miracles).
6. Affirmations. Use positive declarations to “wire” your mind positively.
7. Be Around Positive People. Spend most of your time around people who you can learn from. Look for what you value in people.
8. Love What You Do And Do What You Love. You have to figure out what it is and do it. The ultimate pleasure is to do what you really want to do.
9. Listen To Inspiring Music. Music is magic and healing. Also listen to uplifting and inspiring radio shows and podcasts.  (Listen to great podcast interviews at:
Remember in life you are selling your service which is your attitude, your behavior. Every single person is a vendor. If you love what you do, if you smile, if you radiate positive energy toward people you meet and associate with, reflect on your attitude, your energy, your behavior – what are putting out?  Your energy is always received by those around you. What energy do you want to put out and receive back? Remember as you put out so you will receive back, so play nice.
10. Act “as if” you are already confident. Similar to visualization, pretend that you are already confident and successful. As you act as if you are feeling confident, you may find that you start actually feeling confident and successful.

Use the following mantras today:
I have a day full of joy and I pass my joy on to others.

I am grateful that I have the time today to work on my goals.

I choose my actions from a place of peace.

Monday, August 29, 2011

How much progress do you think you could make on your writing with the proper commitment, support and time? Join 2-time published author Karen Rowe for this 30-Day Writing Challenge free of charge. Starts September 1st!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

What is Driving Your Success -- Is It Inspiration or Programming (Indoct...

Find Out How Laughter Meditation Can Change Your Life. Access the joy, happiness and peace that is your essential nature. - FREE CALL w/@PragitoDove
My Podcast Alley feed! {pca-4122be6f2573fe05119bc5ba406719b5}
Deborah Dachinger Interviews MARNI BATTISTA (Dating with Dignity Founder) who Identifies Exactly Why or Why not You’re Single on Dare to Dream Radio. Hear Podcast Now:

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What is Driving Your Success – Is It Inspiration or Programming?

What is Driving Your Success – Is It Inspiration or Programming?
By Debbi Dachinger
Joe Vitale said: “We’re either being driven by inspiration or programming.”

When a dream or idea that excites us comes to us - we start with inspiration then many quickly move to programming. The inspired idea comes up first with a feeling of extreme pleasure and a passion attached to it, and then suddenly negative thoughts pop up -- those are programming (this means the thoughts belong to someone else but we took them on) which puts the ka-bash on our idea.

SUGGESTION: Create a victory wall or board. Put any small or large victory there. I.e., a phone call you made, or a “yes” you received. Focus on your progress. Focus on the yeses.  

1)    DAILY INTENTION: Give to yourself first. On all three levels – give to yourself body, mind and spirit. Meditate. Workout. Listen to inspiration radio and CDs. Fill yourself inside first so you are a full vessel.
2)    GIVE TO SOMEONE ELSE NEXT: Look for how you can give to someone else. Driving ~ let someone go first before you, or at a stop sign give someone the right of way just because. Take a moment to bless someone. Anytime you think: “I gotta get mine.” Stop. Relax. Open up. See how instead you can give in that moment.  Give someone else the right of way. 
3)    LOOK FOR GIFTS:  When you spend time focusing on all the gifts already here and how it makes you feel, do you experience a shift? Peaceful? Are you in gratitude? Look for the miracles and the blessings in your life every day.

Love yourself first. Take good care of yourself.  Take care of others. Love others.

The Speaker and Author, Brian Tracy wrote:  "If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development."

You can choose to feel that life is full of good things and gifts everywhere. And from that space choose to give to yourself, give to others, and appreciate every little thing.

In giving and receiving learn to be good at both. Some people are just very good at giving, but not so much at receiving.  You can learn to receive and be in balance and harmony because we need to be able to do both well. Giving and receiving creates gifts both ways - when you can fully receive compliments and gifts from others you allow them a blessing. Some people have trouble receiving because immediately then think – oh no, now I have to pay that person back.  If you have not received a loan from someone, or if there is not an understanding of a job done therefore a payment received then you have received a gift. Don’t worry about paying someone back who has gifted or complimented you. That’s the universe’s job; the law of reciprocity is always at work. Your job is to be grateful, be appreciative, and receive (be given to and accept). God/Goddess All That Is will give back to a sincere giver 100+ percent in return; your job is to allow the gift.
Reality is big, folks, but your dreams are bigger. Literally.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Debra Poneman: India, Europe, Meditation, Instructs the Greatest New Thinkers of Time, Shares Principles of the Masters, w/ Deb Dachinger, Dare to Dream Radio.

Monday, August 15, 2011

What’s Perfect To Focus On Right Now

What’s Perfect To Focus On Right Now:
Right now I’m doing a survey to help get clear for a book I’m writing to help people in moving forward in achieving their dreams. I’m getting great and honest responses to my inquiry. If you’d like to help send me a quick email response; the question is: What is your single greatest frustration when trying to achieve a dream or a goal?
Wherever you are in your life, in your dreams and goals ~ are you happy right now? Are you content? Are you at ease? Or do you feel like there’s never enough? Is there certainly not enough of what you want and need – at this time?

Let’s talk about some ways to alter that experience, and offer a method you can use today and throughout this week to affect a change in your attitude, and for feeling peaceful.

There are two ways of creating and manifesting that I have found and both are important and I feel one must be balanced by the other – those two things are action and release. One is creating forward energy and the other is letting go, which are true compliments in a recipe for success.

Action is accomplishing small and big steps towards making a dream into a reality. Without taking steps there is no energy toward what you want.

Norman Vincent Peale, the author of The Power of Positive Thinking said:   "Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all."

I’ve successfully utilized a technique of writing down what I want my end result goal to be and have achieved great outcomes by using the technique. From there I work backwards, as I ask myself so “in order for THAT to be occur, what needs to happen?” I write that answer down and going backwards I again ask myself over and over: “in order for THAT to be occur, what needs to happen?” At the end I will have an entire list of to-do actions, in order, that when executed one step at a time, will create the goals and desired outcome. At the top of the page is my dream or goal and at the bottom of the page is the first step I need to take to get the dream going. Once that step is complete I cross it off and pay attention to the next step, and so on until all is crossed off and I have arrived at the top which is my dream made manifest.

For instance, if my dream is to create a TeleSummit, in order for that to come true I need to have paying customers to attend the telesummit.  In order for me to have paying customers I need to advertise and perhaps get affiliates (that’s another step). In order for me to advertise I need social and professional media outlets, contacts  (that’s another step). In order for that to happen successfully, I need speakers and  people to interview who will attract a large audience people who are well known and offer a lot of new and important wisdom to listeners.  In order for that to happen I need a platform for this event that will be attractive to the speakers – i.e., they get more of an audience to know them; the audience will be called to buy their products, It will be a great experience for all.  Now in order for that to happen since I’ve never done one of these before I should connect with at least two people (or get introductions to two people) who have successfully completed TeleSummits and find out from them how they conducted the Summit and what worked that they recommend and what did not work that I might avoid?  Do you get the idea? On and on I will go until at the very end of this list is the last bullet point, which becomes the #1, first step: Set a date and a theme for the TeleSummit.
That’s action - whatever it takes to get yourself where your passion is leading you to go. Your heart knows what you want. Your heart knows why you’re here. You soul can guide you to do this because it’s calling you to do, create, or participate in something that is imperative for you to experience. 

Throughout your taking action and steps learn to balance your life with release. This may feel like it’s doing nothing, except that it’s a blissful letting go and there’s much fullness there. One without the other is not compete, therefore we all need to learn the art of having fun and releasing our dream and goal to the higher forces that lovingly surround us so we can CO-create, so we allow them to do their part. It makes it all so much more magical and miraculous, to work as a team with whatever you deem your Higher Power or Source to be.

To that end here are suggestions for releasing and creating appreciation. 

Wake up each morning and think of 5 things you appreciate about your life. Before you go to bed, same thing, name out loud or write 5 things you are happy about – things that are enough.  

Recognize, there is enough in your life in this moment. You will create more when you spend time appreciating what already is. It’s about loving what you already have. Allow yourself the time to register the good. Register what IS working. Savor the possibilities. Spend time savoring what’s happening that’s right – right now. 

For instance, focus on what you love about your partner, instead of what drives you nuts about him or her.  Focus on what you love about your life, about yourself. Deliberately put your focus on all the good. You have the ability to choose to shift your world by doing this.

Believe it or not, in this moment there is nothing to fix. Nothing to change.  “I’ll be happy if I lose weight,” we tell ourselves. “I’ll be happy if I get money” we admonish.  Instead choose to be happy now.  Do you believe you deserve and are worthy of happiness right now? If so, if you believe even a little bit, act on it. Act like you deserve more good by focusing on all the abundance present in this moment.

Oprah Winfrey said: "Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough."

Remember: Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down.  And happiness is not created by feeling we don’t have.  Appreciate all that’s here now and from that place of gratitude strive for more. From a place of already being full allow in more.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Watch THIS SHORT VIDEO: Dreams To Experience To Become Reality.

Dreams To Experience To Become Reality

I enjoy doing different types of exercise and like to experience different forms. This year I did yoga which was on my list of things to try. Well, okay. I’ve done yoga lots of times before but it’s been a while and I really had to commit to make this one a reality and ended up finding a great yoga place right by my house; really good classes and I love how good it is for my back and my body in general.  Most recently I took a Pilates class – my very first time; I thought it is a great workout and also difficult. At any point when I was wavering about successfully making it through my first class shaking and dripping with sweat,  I’d hear the Pilates teacher say “This is tough but you’ll get through it because you are capable.” She spoke the words I tell everyone while on the radio.  Whenever I hear that verbiage it completely calms me and imbues me with a fierceness to make it through.  Indeed, it got me through most of the exercises intact while using proper form (the teacher helped me a lot!). Hearing that really motivated me– because I know it’s true – I am capable. Whenever I’m about to give up on myself – that’s the best reminding mantra for me to use; it works.
This year I wanted to spend time with wild animals – specifically a monkey. I spent time at a wild animal refuge where I was gifted with time with Cookie The Monkey. I’d wanted to experience a monkey for so long that I finally took action so I could experience that.  I did not do yoga or pilates with the monkey, we hung out and Cookie ate cookies while sitting in my lap.  Cookie likes strawberry Fig Newton’s, and I like monkeys so we had a win-win situation, a deal to spend time together which really worked for us both.
YOUR POWER: We can believe that anything is possible, because surely it is.  Play the “What if,” game.  Rather than the fear factor of “Oh my God, What if I this and that happens?” instead switch up the game and play “What if I can could anything? Have anything? And be anything?”

Anything is possible. Are you holding back? Do you want a new career or a relationship of your dreams? Are you living the life of your dreams?  If you believe anything is possible you can shift your perception.  Your Insight, your viewpoint will take on a different meaning – it will be like looking through a different pair of glasses; this time rose-colored. Believing is a powerful way of living life and the best thing you can do for yourself is to shift your reality.
First decide is what you spend time doing considered dreaming or is it fantasy?  A fantasy is a flight of fancy, a hope based on rocket ships, and celebrities, and contests that will end our strife and be the answer to problems.  But a dream is something that is within our means because we can navigate and take steps to make actualized.  You will set up a plan to make a dream happen, otherwise, if there’s no plan just a vapid hope, it’s a fantasy. Decide on dreams. Decide on action steps to make the dream a reality. Play the “What if..” game and experience even in your imagination all the wonderful possibilities. 

Perceived Barriers: Are what we perceive to be blockages, obstructions, and walls in our way that are based on limiting and off-putting ideas. We know they are coming from our own distorted beliefs because there is no encouragement and support in the belief, instead it aims to shut us down and put our dream out of business.  Our self-imposed barriers are created out of difficulties we’re afraid will be out there. It may be base on the fact that we’ve already experienced disappointment in our life, or it may be from limitations created our of fear because our vision of what living the dream-come-true looks like is skewed with obstacles and difficulties. Since that’s our vision - it will scream at us to get out while we can! The dream still lives on insides us but the limitation is busy convincing us to let it go. 

What if there is more than the small vision we’re holding onto? Are you willing to invest time into writing a new ending to your story, shooting a new movie of what it will feel like and be like?  Will you commit to spending time to intuit what the beliefs are that are holding you back. Will you agree to stop empowering any belief that is not serving or supporting you to move ahead?
In its place set up a new expansive belief that to take the place of and incorporate into your self-talk of everyday life. Put THAT new belief on as a new pair of glasses and see where you are, where you’re headed from the new perspective and point-of-view.

Denis Waitley said “If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won't, you most assuredly won't. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad.

 Figure out what you want to create this year, this month, and this life. Write a list so you have something to look at and see where you’re at. For each dream and goal write down the steps it will take to get there, and take those steps.  If a belief is holding you back, be responsible and change it. Make a new belief that is supporting and loving and assures you are capable and you can and will do it!
Alice & Dennis Jackson: Spiritual Mediums, Twin Souls, Authors, Radio Hosts, Readers of Loved Ones on the Other Side With Deb Dachinger, Dare to Dream Radio.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Marcia Wieder, Called By Oprah Winfrey “America’s Dream Coach,” Is Interviewed By Deborah Dachinger

Marcia Wieder, Called By Oprah Winfrey “America’s Dream Coach,” Is Interviewed By Deborah Dachinger
MARCIA WIEDER, Who Oprah Winfrey Calls “America’s Dream Coach,” Interviewed By Deborah Dachinger On “Dare to Dream” Radio. If you have ANY DREAM- listen to this spectacular interview. Marcia Wieder is a Dream Goddess and a rich pleasure to interview. Tons of great info and FREE e-book gifts.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Writing a Book? Something 2 share that makes a diff in the world? No idea how 2 start? Get a book contract w/a literary agent or publ @Author School. Chk this:

Monday, August 1, 2011

Have Plans, Be Flexible, and Know You Have A Greater Purpose in Life

Someone once said: “Write your plans in pencil but give God The eraser.” And so it is with flexibility about where we’re headed. We have a plan, we take actions steps to execute it and in the name of “flowing,” know that life will happen, changes will occur, the unexpected will show up uninvited.

I’m saying that even with the best laid plans, life has a way of changing course and when it does, being open and flowing with what is can often recreate who we are and give us a positive change in return for our grief or pain.

There is a Hassidic saying that “You should be grateful for everything that happens to you, even your pain.”  Now even if you don’t feel like it you can change your own atmosphere by engaging in an act of service or saying something sincere of appreciation or encouragement to someone – and just watch your energy change into gratitude. You will shift yourself to a much more positive place.

An excerpt from “Success” by Mychal Wynn reads:

“Success is awarded those

who dream of endless possibilities

Who through determination

And perseverance,

Continue climbing mountains

And following rainbows.

….It is the benefit of these experiences

That give our lives meaning.”

Did you know that expressing gratitude and enveloping yourself in an attitude of gratitude creates better health and lowers risks of depression and high blood pressure. When you express an emotion or inwardly experience an emotion– you amplify it. So fear begets fear. Expressing gratitude amplifies gratitude. Wouldn’t you rather be surrounded by appreciation and thankfulness than a negative sensation?

“Time is not a line, but a series of now points.” ~ Taisen Deshimaru

When you have a great pain in you life – you need a greater purpose.  When my marriage broke up I experienced many emotions and loss, even a decent run of numbness.  There were days when I felt poorly and truly didn’t know how I was going to get through the day, except to keep putting one foot in from of the other. One thing I did know was I had to keep moving forward. That momentum gave me and saved me as through moving forward I found a greater purpose.  Although I’d never been interested in radio in the least, I did take a small job just weeks after my separation, at a radio station and ran a music show. I was never fully sure of why I was there but I kept showing up and assuring myself that if I found the work intolerable I could leave at any time.  After two months of showing up I was offered my own show and out poured the program that is now on the air “Dare to Dream.”

I created a radio show that was imbued with my history and my essence – it was metaphysically based, it allowed me to shine the light on great people doing great things, it allowed me to touch many people with the message that there’s another way to do things, there is help and goodness and it is all possible.  I wanted people to know they could create their dreams, goals and intentions into their reality. It was so important to me to not just get the message out, but to also teach and show by example. So I created inspiring and motivating show openings full of useful ideas the listeners could use, then brought in very successful people who were aligned with living their passion and doing good for the planet at the same time.  It was like sitting in a master class every week.  I realized after doing the show for a while that I had found a greater purpose in my life.  The show was well received and I got the fantastic feedback from my audience who felt inspired and who inspired me.

Around that time I thought about Italy. The country that had silently stolen my heart – the country I felt so strongly about traveling to, and the country I had been denying myself for over ten years. Yes I’d had a dream of traveling to Italy and never went.  And here I was, sans husband, and learning how to put back the pieces of me, and I decided I had to go on the trip alone. I’d grown tired of dreaming, it was time for reality. I planned a 16-day trip by myself through Italy – a trip I designed through the places I most wanted to experience. That October I boarded a plane bound for a place that really excited me.  I had an amazing trip – sometimes very alone and sometimes meeting up with different, fun people.  It was a dream-come-true, for sure. I used some of the Italian train trips getting from one part of the country to the other as times when I would record an audio journal into an audio player to create MP3s of my trip. Some of the MP3’s became radio shows after I returned. 

Because I listened to what was right for me and followed my heart I went on a trip of a lifetime. It was everything I’d dreamed of and much more.  Because I had the courage to leave that relationship I unexpectedly created a new career. I had used my pain to create a much higher purpose for myself.

One of the more spiritual times on my Italian trip was spent in Assisi.  I did not expect the feelings that came up being there in that beautiful mountainside village with steep streets and old historical churches - being around the Assisi monuments and paintings brought up unknown feelings of deep connection while staying there.  In the words of St. Francis of Assisi:  “What we are looking for is what is looking.” 

So if you are the looker than what you’re looking for is already right there. Trust your path. Trust the surprises that life offers and the places you may end up being as all perfect experiences. Find your greater purpose and courageously put it out there. Let your light shine, let your purpose be expressed, and let your gratitude lead the way. Say “thank you” for everything in your path.